Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Rooting through Aoife's cubby hole at daycare, I found a piece of artwork she made with her handprints at Thanksgiving - so cute! It made me think about her daycare, and things I may have forgotten to share. So I share two quick anecdotes, in case you haven't heard them!

The first anecdote is about letters. Her daycare provider told me that on day, Aoife picked a magnetic letter, took it to her, and said "Z!" It was the letter Z! Then Aoife pointed to a corner near the ceiling, where the letter Z was with a picture of a zebra (the daycare had the alphabet and corresponding animals up near the ceiling), and she said "Z! Zebra!" What a girl!

The next anecdote is about numbers.  A bit more recently, Aoife picked  a magnetic number 6 six and took it to her daycare provider and said "Six!" Then Aoife turned it upside down and said "Nine!" Such a little smarty!

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