Friday, September 27, 2013

Off to Idaho

Aoife and I traveled to Idaho to meet more family, flying out on August 26. She got to meet her Grandpa Peter and see Grandma Linda again. She also met much of her extended family on my side.
With second cousin Lacey.
With my Aunt Kathleen and cousins Abigail and Megan.
With Megan, Ryan and Abigail.
With Grandma Linda.
With Ryan, Bob and Lacey.
With my Aunt Jane.
With Grandpa Peter.
Even the dogs find Aoife interesting.
Milk drunk.
With Grandpa Peter.
A quiet morning.
With my Cousin Kitty, her husband Bill, daughter Katie and Cousin Curtis.
With Katie.
With Matthew.
With Curtis.
Bill, Kitty and Katie.
Getting check out by the dog. Again.
After a bath.
With Grandpa Peter!

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