Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy Monday!

Aoife continues to work on her tummy time, strengthening her neck and back muscles.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Football Sunday

Aoife is hanging out and watching a little football with her Daddy.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Drizzly day

It's a typical fall day in Seattle, but Aoife lights up our home with her smiles.

Friday, September 27, 2013


A cute little Aoife, hiccupping on her playmat.

And a couple snapshots from her day.


Yesterday, Aoife showed her ability to grasp things. Hooray for Aoife!

Back in Seattle

Once we returned to Seattle, Jim went back to work, and I got busy watching Aoife during the day.  I've been enjoying watching her grow and learn.

Off to Montana

From Idaho, Aoife, my Mom and I met up with Jim just outside West Yellowstone, Montana.  Once there, we met up with my brother, Cory and Jim's Mom, Nicole and Stepfather, George.
The cabin!
Loving her Daddy's hugs.
With Grandma Linda.
Asleep on her Daddy's shoulder.
Playing with Daddy.
Ready to hike with her Daddy.
And a post-hike nap.
Tummy time with Daddy.
And the cat joins in.
With Uncle Cory.
With Grandma Nicole.
Hanging out at the cabin.
Dinner with Grandma Nicole.
With Grandpa George and Grandma Nicole.
With her Grandma Nicole.
With her Uncle Cory.
Bundled up!
Lunchbreak in the park.
"Paci"-ing time.
Afternoon nap.
Sleeping on her Daddy.
With her Grandpa Peter.
Eating on the road.
Back in Seattle!