Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A few catch-up photos

I haven't taken many photos the past couple days, I hope you like these.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

A trip to the doctor!

Aoife had another great trip to see her doctor today. She is 2'10.57 (96.5 percentile) inches tall, weighs 28 lbs., 10 oz.(94th percentile), and has a head circumference of 46.5 cm (50th percentile). She's very healthy and hitting all her milestones (as we knew). And she was a champ about getting her shots!

A long (but very nice) Thursday

Aoife woke up around 3:15 this morning, and around 4:30 it was pretty clear she had no intention of going back to sleep. I played with Aoife, she took a short nap around 6:15, and we headed to the park around 9:00 a.m.  I'm happy to type that she is currently napping! Next up: a 3:00 doctor appointment!