Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Aoife and her Daddy

Jim spent the Easter evening out on the peninsula - Aoife was very happy when he returned on Monday!


Aoife is now spending more time in her tub - she enjoys playing with her toys and splashing in the water.

Balancing skills!

Aoife has been doing so well on her cruising skills, I thought I'd see how she handled her little rocking monkey. She has some great balancing skills!

New High Chair

Aoife is growing quickly - she's outgrown her infant car seat (too tall), she's moving into her 12-18 month size clothes (again, too tall - the footie pajamas were the first to move in), and she also outgrew her little green seat. She's now in a high chair will a full-size tray - this also makes it easier to feed her and for her to learn to feed herself finger foods.

Of course, what Aoife wants to do is move!

A quick catch up post

Yikes! Over two weeks and no pictures of Aoife! Things have been moving quickly around here - including our little girl. Crawling is common, pulling herself is not a big deal, and she's now cruising around the apartment from one piece of furniture to the next. I'll try to be better about posting - I tend to follow her a bit and take fewer photos while keeping her safe.